Every May we have a robin who throws himself into our dining room window over and over and over again. I have always figured that he is protecting a nest from the "enemy bird" he sees not realizing it is his own reflection. However we've never seen a nest. Well, this year he and his mate decided that the cherry tree in front of the window was a good place to take up residency. We noticed the Mama bird sitting on a nest a few weeks ago. Through all the rotten rain we've had she sat and sat and sat.
We never did see any eggs but on Saturday I looked out and this is what I found:
So, now I am a bit obsessed with taking baby bird pictures. Here are the latest.
You can't really tell but she's feeding one of the babies here.
I tried to get both the nest and the Mama in this one. You can just make out one of the babies in the bottom right hand corner.
Hard working Mama!
very cool, caro!
well, thanks!
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