Fair is fair, so here are some pics of Matt's field day. I let Rachael out of the stroller and we were able to stay a lot longer. All the kids really like her so suffice to say, she had a great time. The kids really seemed to enjoy themselves as well. I can't believe this is Matt's last field

Looks like Matt had a ball. I can't believe how much taller Matt is then Brandon!!!! Although, everyone seems tall. Do you know which team won?
Apparently the Blue team won overall by 30 points. Each class also awards two kids "good sportsmanship" awards. According to Kyle it's a water bottle that says, "A good sport is always a winner". They had a great time and the weather held so everyone was happy!
OK, I have to ask... why did matthew change his name to matthieu? Is he moving to Paris or something?
Another great field day! Glad everyone had a fun time, including Rachael. ;)
Matthieu is what he was called during French class. If you don't know, it's pronounced "Mattchew" and evidently the kids all really liked the way it sounds. They call him that all the time and I guess he likes it. When we made his blog all the names we tried with "Matthew" were taken so we used "Matthieu". This is all much to his father's chagrin!
Looks like you had a great time. Can't believe Matt will be in Westhampton next year!
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