Today was Kyle's field day at school. They do things a little differently than they used to. First, second and third place ribbons are no longer handed out. The whole school is divided into the white team and the blue team. The teams compete against each other in many activities including the high jump, "Mississippi River" aka the long jump, the obstacle course, steal the bacon, medicine man... you get the picture. The teams can also win points for good sportsmanship. At the end of the older kids' field day (Wednesday) the points are tallied and the "winning" team announced. I don't agree with it but that's the way they do it. Anyway, here are a few pictures of Kyle competing. Rachael and I made it for about 3/4 of the morning before she'd had enough of the stroller!
Looks like fun! So, just out of curiousity, why do you not agree with it?
I think I like the old way better. Gave the individual kids more of a thrill. Kyle looks like he had fun though!
I don't think that the whole "everyone" wins thing has to be perpetuated through elementary school. Sooner or later they have to deal with winning or losing. We always had 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and we weren't scarred for life because we didn't always get one of those ribbons. Anyway, I'm not insanely against it but I liked the old way better.
Ahhh, field day. A sure harbinger of summer.
I have pictures of Heath in his stroller attending his siblings' field day. Wow! Time flies -- or whatever that expression is...
i totally agree with you Carolyn. let the kids play with ribbons, what is the big deal? everyone wins, that is not really giving them the true facts of life now is it? PC stinks! (is that PC?)
It seems to me that the sooner you learn that you aren't always going to win the better. Sure would be much harder to deal with that little life lesson after a childhood of "fake" winning. Plus, how would you ever figure out what you are truly good at if you never fail because someone is afraid to hurt your feelings? PC is kaka.
Sorry, what's PC?
PC = politically correct
I guess I don't see what is wrong with the kids playing as a team - working together towards a common goal? If they are adding up scores and calling a "winning" team, then that is not really fake winning. Everyone has a talent, and it bothers me that "sports" talents always seem to be valued over others. Field Day at school, when every kid is required to participate, should be about getting out and playing together, and learning that exercise and sports can be fun. Although we all can say that we were not scarred for life for not getting a ribbon, I think that it is likely that many (losing) kids were turned off to sports and exercise because they never learned to play just for the fun of it. Now, if a kid joins a sports league, by all means they should do the win/lose/ribbons thing. And maybe schools should hold "Singing Day" - everyone, regardless of talent, is required to get up and sing a song in front of their peers, and the teachers can give prizes to the 3 best ones.
Sorry to hijack your post, Carolyn! Kyle looks like he is having a great time!
You have a point. Like I said, I'm not completely against it but I do think that by the time they reach 4th grade the kids think it's a little bogus. Unfortunately, it even spills over to the sports leagues. My kids have played in soccer and baseball leagues and everyone gets at least one trophy each season even if their team isn't the "champion". I get the different talents point and I have to say EQ does have other events to showcase other talents too. There is a talent show, a Science fair, a Technology fair, an Art show and of course, there's NYSSMA. Anyway, you're right the kids seem to have a fun time and I guess that's all that matters.
I agree with you all. The team thing at field day is not so bad. But you hear of sports leagues where they don't keep score, etc. When the kids are just starting out I think it's okay, because it introduces them to the sport, etc. but as they get older they have to start getting used to the idea that they may not always win.
I absolutely, positively agree that it is beyond important to showcase other talents besides sports! And it is possible to learn how to work towards a common goal without it having to be a sport.
However, I still think PC is kaka. Sorry.
PC as public policy is kaka, I will agree. Although I think it's intentions are good - kind of like the golden rule: treat everyone with kindness and respect?
The irony is, the reason it is so important for us to teach kids how to lose is because we place so much value on winning.
I think that EQ giving points for sportsmanship is a great idea.
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