Last night Matthew was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. Along with maintaining at least an 89.5 average for their 7th grade year and the first quarter of their 8th grade year the students must exhibit scholarship, leadership, character, citizenship, and service. EQ was well represented in the new inductees as well as quite a few kids from Matt's preschool class. It goes without saying that we are very proud of our boy!

waiting for the ceremony to begin

Matt went to preschool with the girl on his left, the two on his right, and the one in the bottom right hand corner.

signing the NJHS register

receiving his pin and certificate from the superintendant

congrats from the Middle school principal

the whole group
That is awesome! Way to go, Matt.
Congratulations, good job Matt.
Nice! Good job, Matt!
good work Matt!
No grandparents could be prouder than we are of you Matt!!!!
Awesome job Matt! You are such a handsome young man! And smart to boot! We are so proud of you!!!
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