Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ah, To Be A Kid

As I was busily putting shelf paper in my new cabinets (thanks Pops!) Rachael decided to get dressed up in her Tinkerbell costume and do some finger painting. Thank goodness for that brilliant woman who came up with finger paint that paints only on the paper and no where else!!! This kept Miss Tinkerbell occupied for the entire time it took me to finish my project! These are the things for which we can be thankful.


Anonymous said...

Yep, these are the little everyday blessings and "miracles" God gives us. We just need to see them.
Love the pictures and that little Tinkerbell!

Anonymous said...

What a good girl she is and how very much we have to thank God for.

Elliott Allstars said...

looks like tons of fun! That is the cutest little tinkerbell!