Tom and I took Rachael to see the Wiggles this evening. As is becoming the norm when I really want to take pictures, my camera batteries died. Yes, even the back-up ones were dead (and this after Tom had to lie to a security guard in order to go get the back-ups from the car- he told her they were for his dialysis machine!). The original batteries had a little more juice than the back-up so Tom, very astutely suggested that I combine them. This worked for a little while and I was able to get a few shots. Anyway, Rachael truly enjoyed the show. The new Greg, actually Sam, was OK. But Anthony was the best.
Here's the "free gift/entertainment while you wait for the show to begin"
Rachael was partial to all the ballerinas. Unfortunately we had to make due with this shot because, well, you know.
Rachael, still pretty amazed that the Wiggles were actually on stage.
Yeah, Anthony!
Rachael says her favorite Wiggle is Murray.
Sam, rockin' out!
Enjoy the show, Prince Caleb!
cool beans Rach!!!Sam?Hey i think my Sam would make a good wiggle!
I'm glad you guys had a good time. Dialysis machine...they bought that? hey, whatever works right!
Rachael looked thrilled with the whole show! Bet the Prince will be dancing in his seat!
Anthony is the best ; )
love molly
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