Monday, July 30, 2007

Oh, For Pete's Sake

I cave to the pressure of royalty!

A- Attached or Single? Quite attached

B- Best Friend: Lissa, Celia, Mom

C- Cake or Pie: So cake

D- Drink of Choice: toasted almond

E- Essential Item(s): a good book,

F- Favorite Color: yellow

G- Gummi Bears or Worms? no thank you

H- Hometown:EQ,

I- Indulgence: pedicures, blogging

J- January or February: June

K- Kids: 3

L- Life is incomplete without: faith, books, family, friends

M- Marriage Date: October 13, 1991

N- Number of Siblings: 2

O- Oranges or Apples? not so much

P- Phobia: not sure i have one

Q- Favorite Quote: "You get what you get and you don't get upset!"

R- Reasons to smile: Family, kids (most of the time)

S- Season: late spring

T- Tag Three: Treehouse Times (sorry, Sara)

U- Unknown Fact About Me: I think you know it all!

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Nope

W- Worst Habit: eating too much?

X- X-rays or Ultrasounds?: I guess ultrasounds

Y- Your Favorite Foods: too many!

Z- Zodiac: Libra but it's all bunk


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing your answers, Editor!

That little Queen can pack a wallop, can't she?

the editor said...

boy, for someone of her stature, she sure can!! ;)

Anonymous said...

i hear that alot...though I don't know why.
I have to say I loved your answers...thank you for participating, it is so nice to know you care.

the editor said...

yeah, yeah, yeah.
see ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

when was toasted alomand a drink?