Saturday, June 16, 2007

It's That Time of Year Again!

Last night the kids and I joined Tom and the gang from MFB for Relay for Life 2007. You may know that Relay for Life is a fund raiser for the American Cancer Society. Teams raise money and then spend the entire night walking around the track. They have bands and other variety "acts" to make the evening fun. The MFB team does a great job getting ready and really gets into the theme of the night. This year was a Casino theme. The Girl Scouts sponsored a "costume lap" and our resident costume lover went as Ariel in her wedding dress. Miss Rachael also got a ride on a pony from the Timothy Hill Children's Ranch! It's a fun night for a great cause and once again MFB came home with the trophy for raising the most money! Leave it to those bean counters to get the job done!
Here are a few pics for your enjoyment! :)


Anonymous said...

Very commendable! Seems like everyone had fun, too. How far did you all walk?

the editor said...

beats me! Kyle forgot his pedo-meter and we didn't keep track. The kids and I were there until about 9:15 and were walking the better part of that time. Tom stayed until about 12:15 and was probably walking that whole time just to stay warm and awake!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I bet you covered a lot of ground in that time. Good on you all!

The National Scribe said...

I love things like that where the whole family can get involved. nice memory making you know? I loved the montage, good work!

Anonymous said...

Hurray for a good cause! Our Princess Rachael looked might go astride that oh so big horse!!!! I'm sure cousin Molly will love that picture!