Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Prince Comes for a Royal Visit

His Royal Highness, Prince Caleb, came for a visit this evening so that the Queen could instruct her softball team. We had a very nice visit. We had a little spaghetti, known to be one of the Prince's favorites,

watched a little "Iggles",

and as is customary when the Prince visits...

loved on Rachael a little!!
Thanks for visiting, Prince Caleb! Come back soon!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time! Thanks for posting the pictures. (Maybe we should try to teach Caleb about shaking hands instead...;))

Anonymous said...

Well, the Prince certainly knows how to eat those sketties! Must be some good Italian blood in those royle veins. And the Princess looks like she likes that loving!!!! It's fun to have cousins around that love ya!!!!

The National Scribe said...

He just can't get enough of Rachael. As you can see by how much he loves to hug her...sometimes right to the ground. I guess it is better than punching her, right?

Elliott Allstars said...

Awwww! It's okay, it reminds me of me and Nathan...and that relationship turned out great! At least they don't bite eachother and pull hair like we used to! Hehehehehe!

the editor said...

we haven't progressed to biting and hair pulling although Caleb gave Rachael a good clunk on the head with his juice cup! He does really love her which is really nice, we just have to teach him to love her more gently! she does give it back pretty well though. right after the picture she pretty much tossed him off of her. it's all in the name of cousin-ly love!

The National Scribe said...

you know he pins the cats to the floor as well. he tries to hug my mom's dogs, but they are pretty quick. They know to move when Caleb comes near them. I blame myself really... I hug and kiss him all day. Sorry guys!