Friday, April 27, 2007

This One's for Aunt Ceil

This is photographic proof that Rachael does indeed play with all the playdough stuff, sometimes, occasionally, once in a while. Okay, so this was the first time I brought it all out for her. She has played with play doh but I must be honest, it's not my favorite thing. I'm not real keen on the mess and if I'm totally honest it makes me nuts when kids take those really nice colors and mush them all into ... brown or black. I have to say that now that Rachael is older she doesn't need as much supervision as before so I can actually get some things done while she plays. And it sure keeps her busy for a while (Kyle too). Anyway, all that to say, "Thanks, Celia. Rachael loves it all."


The National Scribe said...

so what does she make?

the editor said...

mostly "skabetti" and some shape cut outs. we made a few rabbits, lambs and frogs too.

The National Scribe said...

that's cool. who doesn't love skabetti?

the editor said...

rachael definitely loves it- how about caleb?

The National Scribe said...

one of his most favorite foods in the entire world!
when he was still on baby food we tried to give him the jar skabetti but he would spit it out. I thought he was against skabetti which scared me, turns out he just had a very refined palate.

the editor said...

against skabetti? that would be scary!! thank goodness he just needed to have the "real deal"

The National Scribe said...

tell me about it! skabetti is an Italian staple as you know.