Tuesday, October 31, 2006


We had a fun and busy afternoon. As you can see Matt came up with quite an interesting costume. Not bad for running downstairs to the dress-up box and throwing something together. We're not sure exactly what but it was something. The girls looked lovely in their princess finery and as happens so often, Kyle eluded my camera. You can see him in the previous post as a ninja.
After "trick-o-treaty" the boys and I headed over to church for the "Hallelujah Night" festivities.

*EDITED* Thanks to the wonderful Aunt Tia, here is a picture of Kyle!


Connie said...

Great costume, Matt! Very creative. And, of course, the little ladies could not be cuter. Sorry to hear about Kyle's mishap -- guess that's how Mommies get their gray hair! (Not that you have any gray hair...yet!)

the editor said...

Oh, believe me i've got plenty. Salon East does big business with me!!
Kyle is taking it all in stride. He's old hat at this whole thing. He's having a great time getting everyone to sign his cast. Last time it was only a half cast so no signatures.

Anonymous said...

Boy did I have fun with all those great kids! The best was having my multihued big guy come "trick or treaty" with us. I've missed him in recent years! Love ya Matt!!!!!!

the editor said...

which recent years have you missed him? i don't recall him ever not being with us.

Elliott Allstars said...

Great pictures!!! Tinkerbell at Disney is no comparision to ours! Matthew is quite a creative dude, I'm glad he's having fun with it! The picture at the end is classic

Anonymous said...

Hurray......now Halloween is complete. We needed this way cool dude!

Unknown said...

evreybody looks so funny!