Yesterday, while Rachael went to Eliza and Jesiah's birthday party, and the boys went to Aunt Tia and Uncle Runkun's, Tom and I traveled to New Jersey for my cousin Adam's wedding. This momentous event gave me the opportunity to snap some pics of one of the other sides of my family. Adam's dad, my Uncle Joe, is my mom's younger brother. She also has another brother, Jerry. He's the one very nearly on the floor. He's not quite as limber as he was 15 years ago when he did that dance at my wedding- but I digress. Anyway, on my mom's side there are 6 1st cousins. My siblings and me, Adam and his sister, Sara and Uncle Jerry's daughter, Anna. Sara is pictured with my mom and Sara's daughter Molly is shown being introduced with her Grandpa Leone, my Uncle Joe. As always, Dad was a fab dance partner with this being Laurel's first occasion to dance with him! It was really nice to be able to see everyone and we all had a good time. I couldn't resist the picture of Rachael getting ready to go to the party!

Editor's note: Sorry about
the poor picture quality. I think I need to find a photography class to attend. And Tom thinks a new camera is in order! Couldn't do much about most of the red eye, unfortunately!

Sure looks like everyone had a fun time! My favorite picture? Tom and Brian!
Yeah, they really enjoyed themselves!
nice pictures. looks like a very fun wedding.
I'm so glad that you send me emails periodically. It reminds me to look at your blog. It looks like a "good time was had by all" at the wedding. I have to concur with Tom, maybe a new camera is in order. Some of the pictures tend to be a tad dark but keep them coming as you know I love to see them.
i miss them it was fun!
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