Please excuse me while I do a little proud parent bragging! The 6th grade awards ceremony was held yesterday and Matthew Terry did his family very
proud! Matt received the mastery in Social Studies, Science and Foreign Language awards. This means that he upheld a 96 or above average in these subjects for the whole year
! He also received the President's Education Award which goes to the students who did not receive lower than a B on any report card for 4th - 6th grade. His last award was the Outstanding Sportsmanship award in Physical Education. This award was given to only 6 out of 60 students. Congratulations, Matt! We're so proud of you. Keep up the good work!
PS I have no idea why half of this is underlined and can't figure out how to turn it off!! And no, there's no button that I can find!
Totally awesome! Way to go, Matt! And don't apologize for the pride. I got a little misty with pride just reading about it.
graduation is tomorrow at 7pm if you're interested!!
BTW did you get my email about uploading scanned pictures?
Matthew has ALWAYS been a pride to us and he certainly showed his STAR QUALITY at the awards ceremony! Looking forward to graduation tomorrow night.
Nope, no email.
I sent it again
Matt, I am so proud of you, I am typing through tears. You are such a good boy, I knew you were very smart and a good sport to boot. All around good. God is very pleased with his good a faithful servant!
What everyone else said! Way-to-go Matt.
P.S. Just press the Underline button again.
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